
Lista de estudios realizados en AtlasPROfilax®

Tratamiento AtlasPROfilax@ y estudios realizados a su respecto.

El atlas es más que un hueso. He aquí una lista creciente de estudios realizados sobre AtlasPROfilax@ y su eficacia.

El área de las articulaciones cervicales (articulación atlantooccipital y atlantoaxial) está formada por huesos como el hueso occipital, las vértebras atlas y axis (1ª y 2ª vértebras cervicales), pero también por tejidos blandos como las fascias profundas, los músculos suboccipitales, diversos ligamentos y membranas, varios nervios importantes, el tronco encefálico extendido, las arterias carótidas y las arterias vertebrales. Esta es un área poco estudiada comparada con otras partes del cuerpo humano. En esta sección encontrarás estudios, estadísticas e información sobre fisiología, anatomía, radiología y resultados clínicos obtenidos con el método AtlasPROfilax®.

Estudios científicos publicados de AtlasPROfilax®

Impact of the Atlasprofilax Method on a Patient with Degenerative Spine Disease and Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Case Report

Orlando Angulo, Lluis Manent
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Sede Villavicencio, Colombia

Background:The relationship between suboccipital musculature and cervical fascia abnormalities and myofascial pain syndrome in the presence of degenerative spine disease remains unclear based on current evidence.

Case report: We present the case of a 46-year-old white male patient with severe chronic myofascial pain syndrome affecting his neck,…
Impact of the Atlasprofilax Method on a Patient with Degenerative Spine Disease and Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Case Report (pdf, 1 MB)

Enhancing Body Balance and Performance in Elite Archery Athletes: The Impact of Atlasprofilax Intervention on Suboccipital Myofascia

Lluis Manent, Ricardo Antonio Henrique da Fonseca, Orlando Angulo
Continuing Medical Education, University Foundation of Health Sciences, Bogotá, Colombia

BACKGROUND: High-performance athletes, such as archers, require optimal proprioception and balance. Subclinical or underestimated metabolic and pathomechanic alterations in the suboccipital myofascia could lead to loss of performance in balance and proprioception. Therapeutic optimization of myofascia and its complex structures through noninvasive stimulation by…
Enhancing Body Balance and Performance in Elite Archery Athletes: The Impact of Atlasprofilax Intervention on Suboccipital Myofascia (pdf, 2 MB)

The Mystery around Suboccipital Myofascial Myofascial Alterations and their Correlated Ailments. Could the Atlasprofilax Method be a Therapeutic Option?

Orlando Angulo
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Sede Villavicencio, Colombia.

Abnormalities in the craniocervical junction (CCJ) structures can potentially promote biomechanical and metabolic dysfunction leading to several neurological, myofascial and musculoskeletal pathologies. Because of their subclinical character or because physicians lack particular understanding regarding this issue, CCJ and suboccipital myofascial alterations may frequently go unnoticed and…

The Mystery around Suboccipital Myofascial Myofascial Alterations and their Correlated Ailments. Could the Atlasprofilax Method be a Therapeutic Option? (pdf, 91 KB)

Radiological Improvements in Symmetry of the Lateral Atlantodental Interval and in Atlas Tilt after the Application of the Atlasprofilax Method. A Case Series

José Gabriel León, Noemí Laguna, Lluís Manent, Kathleen Lewis, Orlando Angulo
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

We present the case of 4 adult subjects exhibiting asymmetry of the lateral atlantodental interval (within the accepted standard ranges of normal asymmetry equal or under 2mm) on open mouth x-ray examination. The asymmetry was clearly ameliorated after the Atlasprofilax procedure. Improvements in atlas tilt and axis spinous process deviation also were demonstrated. We discuss the preliminary…

Radiological Improvements in Symmetry of the Lateral Atlantodental Interval and in Atlas Tilt after the Application of the Atlasprofilax Method. A Case Series (pdf, 451 KB)

Total Resorption of a Chronic L4-L5 Disc Extrusion After Application of the Atlasprofilax Method: A Case Report

José G. León, Lluís Manent, Kathleen Lewis, Orlando Angulo
Continuing Medical Education, Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud (FUCS), Bogotá, Colombia

Patient: Male, 42-year-old
Final Diagnosis: The disc extrusion at L4-L5 was totally resorbed and improvement in the L3-L4 and L4-L5 disc bulges
Symptoms: Bilateral trapezius pain • right brachialgia • constant chronic lumbalgia • right sciatica • gait claudication • paresthesia and dysesthesias in the lower limbs with associated pain and numbness in the calves

Total Resorption of a Chronic L4-L5 Disc Extrusion After Application of the Atlasprofilax Method: A Case Report (pdf, 1 MB)

Case Report: Clinical and Imaging Improvement After the Atlasprofilax Method in a Patient with Cervicobrachial Syndrome and Temporomandibular Joint Disorders.

José G. León: Conceptualization, Supervision, Orlando Angulo: reviewing, editing, supervision, Lluís Manent: Writing - original draft, review and editing, supervision, Kathleen Lewis: editing, supervision & review.
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

A 30-year-old woman with chronic shoulder pain, cervicobrachial syndrome with functional motor loss and paresthesia, car-pal tunnel syndrome, tension-type headache, and temporomandibular disorders was referred for a computed tomography scan to evaluate a possible atlantoaxial rotatory subluxation and asymmetry of the lateral atlantodental interval prior to the application of the Atlasprofilax…

Case Report: Clinical and Imaging Improvement After the Atlasprofilax Method in a Patient with Cervicobrachial Syndrome and Temporomandibular Joint Disorders. (pdf, 4 MB)

The Atlasprofilax method: giving back to the atlas its natural place

Evelyne Uldry

Effects of the Atlasprofilax Method on fibromyalgia patients according the standards developed by the Medical American Reumatology Association

Malagón J1, Villaveces M2, Manent LL3.
Fundación Universitaria Juan N Corpas
English, Spanish

The study uses the criteria stated world wide accepted settled by the American College of Reumatology  in determining the FM scores and index (pain, fatigue, etc.) to see if Atlasprofilax is impacting the quality of life for this group of patients. 

Atlasprofilax y Fibromialgia estudio publicado (Traducción Español) (pdf, 510 KB)
Atlasprofilax and Fibromyalgia (original English) (pdf, 640 KB)

Functional changes before and after the Atlasprofilax Method based on an intersticial scanner analysis

Dr. Álvaro Augusto Ariza Vivero, MD

Intersticial scanner is a biomedical device based on oximetry and bio impedance (skin galvanic biofeedback). The objective was to evaluate the changes in the physiological scores before and after the AP-Method. The study was performed on 30 patients. 3An increasing of 3,13 and 2,55 unities (muSi) in the SDC+ and SDC- (p=0,21 y 0,15) paramethers was observed. According to the results,…

Estudio Bioimpedancia Dr Ariza (pdf, 1 MB)

The effects of Atlasprofilax on sleep disorders

Ramiro Arce, Physiotherapist

Based on a previous and post questionnaire around the Atlasprofilax Method, 136  patients were inquired on their sleep disorders, prior traumas and accidents, medication to treat sleep disorders. The statistics showed that aroun 80 up to 89% of the patients stated to have a better sleep after the Atlasprofilax Method.

Treatment of cervicobrachialgia through the atlasprofilax® method: results in 162 patients

Fernandes, Ricardo Rezende, Medical Doctor. Orthopedist and Traumatologist - Atlasprof, COE Governador Valadares. Minas Gerais. Brazil
University of Minas Gerais
English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese


Objective: To evaluate the results with the treatment of cervicobrachialgia by the AtlasPROfilax® method.

Introduction: The most common symptoms caused by cervicobrachialgia are pain and sometimes movement restrictions in the cervical region, along the shoulders and upper limbs, and may cause paraesthesia and…

Summary of Cervicobrachialgia study and Atlasprofilax Dr Rezende MD (pdf, 316 KB)
Resumo Trabalho Cervicobraquialgia AtlasPROfilax (pdf, 457 KB)

Efecto de la terapia Atlasprofilax® sobre los síntomas relacionados con disfunción temporomandibular, bruxismo y la relación de las líneas medias dentales

Gutiérrez Navas, Victoria Eugenia. Ph.D Dentist, Dentist. Specialist in TMJ Dysfunctions. Prof. at St. Tomas de Aquino University
Santo Tomás de Aquino, University / Review: USTASALUD. Publindex. C Category. ISSN 1692-5106

Objective: to describe the effect of the AtlasPROfilax® therapy over Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TJD) symptoms, bruxism and mandibular deviations.Methods: an observational longitudinal study over a cohort of 151 people was carried out. A subsample of 71 patients was selected and photography evaluations were done with them. The social, demographic, clinical (pain, click, jaw locking,…
USTASALUD Efecto atlasprofilax en odontologia 01 (pdf, 178 KB)